We’re All in This Together from HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL


A contemporary ensemble of junior high school-aged ladies and gentlemen.

Rhapsody is our junior high mixed ensemble. Rhapsody Guys and Rhapsody Girls perform separately and together. They perform contemporary music, combining light choreography and harmonic textures for impactful performances.


Grades 7-9





Ensemble Size

40-50 singers

Rhapsody is an auditioned ensemble. Singers in this ensemble also participate in Virtuoso Singers as their primary ensemble. Rhapsody focuses on the development of healthy singing technique through contemporary choral music with accompaniment, ranging from two- to six-part music. There is a $35 additional participation fee to sing in this ensemble. Rhapsody is directed by Brandi Cook on Tuesdays from 5:45-6:45 pm.

Performances by Rhapsody