Please help us promote this amazing event! We want a full house at NNU’s Brandt Center on March 28. We’ve created some easy ways for you to help share the word about this upcoming production.
Using your mobile device, promote this event using the following options:
Send a text message
Instructions: Tap the green button below and type the names of family and friends into the TO field to send the following text message. Send to a group of people, or repeat this process to send individually.
Hi! I am performing in THE REDEEMER, a sacred Easter concert featuring GRAMMY-nominated violinist Jenny Oaks Baker!! It will be Friday, March 28 at 7pm at NNU’s Brandt Center (707 Fern St, Nampa, ID 83686). I’m personally inviting YOU to attend. There are 80 singers and 45 instrumentalists coming together from across the Treasure Valley to perform easter favorites like: O Divine Redeemer, I Stand All Amazed, Ave Maria, Hallelujah Chorus, Come Follow Me, and I Know That My Redeemer Lives. Get tickets here:
Or, send an email
Instructions: Tap the button and enter the names of family and friends into the BCC field to send an email. Be sure to add your signature at the bottom.
Subject: You’re invited to Jenny Oaks Baker’s THE REDEEMER Easter Concert on March 28
Message: I am performing in THE REDEEMER, a sacred Easter concert featuring GRAMMY-nominated violinist Jenny Oaks Baker!! It will be Friday, March 28 at 7pm at NNU’s Brandt Center (707 Fern St, Nampa, ID 83686). I’m personally inviting YOU to attend. There are 80 singers and 45 instrumentalists coming together from across the Treasure Valley to perform easter favorites like: O Divine Redeemer, I Stand All Amazed, Ave Maria, Hallelujah Chorus, Come Follow Me, and I Know That My Redeemer Lives. Get tickets here:
Or, send a message via WhatsApp, GroupMe, Messenger, or other
Instructions: Tap the orange button to copy/paste this message into your messaging app of choice. Send it to your family and friends!
Or, share Keith McCauley’s post on your Facebook timeline
Instructions: Tap the “Share” button at the bottom of my post.
Or, invite your friends to the Facebook event
Our concert is posted to Facebook as a calendared event.
Instructions: Click the blue button below and look for the INVITE or SHARE button (as shown).

Or, create your own post on Facebook, Instagram, or other using this graphic and text
Instructions: Save this graphic to your mobile phone (long-press and save). Open Facebook or Instagram. Create your post (feel free to copy/paste the text below, orange button). Add the graphic.