Attendance Policy
Singers are allowed 3 absences (20%) each semester, not counting illnesses. These absences should be budgeted carefully to include concerts, tournament games, family travel, etc. Please budget wisely. Anyone missing more than 3 rehearsals (without prior Director consent) will not be able to sing in the concert.
As long as you don’t miss more than 3 rehearsals, you do NOT need to submit an absence request.
Please use this form to:
- Request consideration for ongoing absences (due to sports or other ongoing conflicts)
- Request consideration for absences beyond the 3 allowed by our Attendance Policy (extended illness, unexpected emergencies, etc.)
- Request an absence to be excused due to illness (illness absences will not count toward your 3 allowed absences if they are submitted)
- Request an absence for a one-time required event: Retreat, BootCamp, etc.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Submission of this form alone does NOT constitute an excused absence or approved ongoing conflict. This is the first step, and your request must be reviewed by the ensemble director, who will likely want to conference with you about how to make your commitment work.
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