Are you ready?

Let’s do this! Please provide us with basic contact information below so we can credit your participation in this project, and contact you when we’re ready to do our videography sessions in the spring of 2021.

Instructions, tips and tricks

How do I prepare?

You can download the sheet music, print it off, sing along with the practice files or sing-a-long videos … really whatever is going to fit your technical needs to get the song learned. You should check out the practice files … Mr. McCauley sounds like Miss Piggy when he sings soprano!

Do I need to memorize the song?

No and yes. You don’t have to be memorized to submit your audio track. However, you DO need your words and rhythms memorized when we record the video part in the spring of 2021.

How do I record my audio track?

Use the RECORD AUDIO pane below and record your part directly into this webpage. To do so, select your part from the dropdown field below, click the RECORD AUDIO button, click the red circle, then hit play on the sing-a-long video. When complete, hit SUBMIT. Give it a second to upload.

OR, you can record your audio on your smartphone, computer, or tablet and then upload it.

MANAGE BACKGROUND NOISE. Please turn off fans, HVAC systems, air conditioners, fluorescent lights, computer fans, or any other noise-making device when recording! This “white” noise can make your recording unusable.

WEAR HEADPHONES. We can’t use your submission if we can hear the accompaniment. Also, consider only wearing one headphone so you can hear yourself when you sing. You tend to sing better in tune!