O Holy Night (ft. Melissa Heath)
By Cantus Youth Choirs
Featuring Melissa Heath, soprano and David Young, organ
Directed by Krista Carroll, Brandi Cook, Erika McCauley, Keith McCauley, Cara Stewart
Arranged by Mack Wilberg
Since its inception in 2010, Cantus Youth Choirs has performed Mack Wilberg’s transcendent arrangement of the ultimate Christmas hymn, O Holy Night, as the finale number of our Winter Concert. Over the years, soprano Melissa Heath and organist David Young have performed this number with Cantus multiple times over the years, and Cantus is thrilled to have their collaboration on this timeless rendition.
This music video was released theatrically and premiered on 7 screens at the Eagle Luxe Theatre on December 9th. Something To Believe In, and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays were also premiered.
Also available for download and streaming on Spotify and the following providers: 24-7, 7digital, Akazoo, Amazon Music, Anghami, AWA, Boomplay, Deezer, Facebook, Google Music Store, Hungama, iHeartRadio, iMusica, InProdicon, KDigital, KKBox, Kuack, Line Music, MediaNet, Napster, NetEase Cloud Music, Pandora, Qobuz, Saavn, Shazam, Slacker Radio, SoundExchange, Synchtank, Tencent Music Entertainment, Tidal, TikTok, TouchTunes & PlayNetwork, United Media Agency, and Yandex.
Melissa Heath, soprano
David Young, organ
Rebekah Allen, Rebekah Allen, Aidan Andersen, Finn Andersen, Jillian Andersen, Mason Andersen, Annie Atwood, Cami Atwood, Ella Baird, Megan Baird, Sarah Baird, Blake Barrus, Booker Barrus, Braelynn Barrus, Brielle Barrus, Brooklynn Barrus, Nevaeh Barton, Lexi Beal, Logan Beal, Mycah Beal, Brylee Beckstead, Megan Belisle, Bryn Benjamin, Natalie Bishop, Dylan Blair, Isabelle Bodily, Lydia Bodily, Annika Brandsma, Bear Brandsma, Luke Butikofer, Noah Butikofer, Rachel Carr, Ethan Carroll, Hailey Carroll, Addi Chandler, Mary Christensen, Megan Christensen, Dane Cook, Davis Cook, Daxton Cook, Abigail Cox, Bryant Cox, Jaden Davis, Sadie Dowdle, Christopher Dunkley, Margaret Dunkley, Spencer Earl, Madeline Eidson, Joshua Elison, Lukas Foutz, Siena Fuhriman, Grant Gardiner, Joseph Gardiner, Joseph Gardiner, Maren Gardiner, Faith Garrett, Bella George, Lainey Gresham, Sophia Grove, Grace Guymon, Adeline Hansen, Zachary Hansen, Camrey Hebdon, Zackery Hebdon, Caleb Hessing, Ella Hessing, Katherine Hill, Karena Holliday, Emma Holt, Kylee Hudson, Thatcher Huffaker, Adelyn Jemmett, Chloe Jensen, Connor Jensen, Annie Johnson, Blaine Johnson, Daisy Johnson, Annastyn Kunka, Solana Lucas, Emerson Lynch, Hannah Macho, Ainsley Mahan, Brigham Mason, Everett Mason, Grant Mason, Linnea Mason, Annebel Mathews, Milo Mathews, Shelby Mathews, Katie McCauley, Kayla McCauley, Lexi McCauley, Meg McCauley, Cobi McCracken, Lucia McCracken, Camryn McKinlay, Maddox McNeil, Annie Meck, Bentlee Merrill, Preslie Merrill, Morgan Morrison, Brooklyn Murray, Olivia Nielsen, Callie Odom, Oaklie Ogle, Preston Ogle, Emma Olsen, Laney Olson, Aubrey Orchard, Cecily Park, Andrew Paternoster, Dallin Perry, Lillie Perry, Spencer Perry, Ashten Peugh, Maycee Post, Airi Reidhead, Remington Saito, Aleah Salyards, Grace Salyards, Anjali Sandil, Audrie Seamons, Landon Sellers, Jenna Smith, Ashton Steenblik, Benson Steenblik, Isla Stewart, Kathryn Stewart, Mia Stewart, Jack Stone, Stockton Stone, Reagan Stott, Dutchlin Stull, Holland Stull, Remi Stull, Ammon Thomas, Brahm Thomas, Brittin Thomas, Brooklynn Thomas, Cannon Thomas, Landen Thomas, Ivy Thompson, Zoe Thompson, Emma Torkelson, Samantha Trexler, Landon Twitchell, Lena Twitchell, Liana Volkov, Amelia Walker, Annie Walker, Bryan Walker, Luke Walker, Mac Walker, Natalie Walker, Olivia Walker, Kinsley Wardle, Addison Young, Lillie Young
David Young, organ
Brookann Hessing, violin 1
Nanette Jensen, violin 2
Diane Shelton, viola
Elijah King, cello (studio)
Carter Roberts, cello (music video)
Joe Warnecke, contrabass
Jen Butikofer, piano (music video)
Keith McCauley, piano (studio)
Video Production Unit
Keith McCauley, executive producer and director
Brian McCauley, producer assistant
Rick Strader, on-location audio and lighting director
Neil Weatherly, videographer
Heather Walker, videographer
Sidney Sims, videographer assistant
Annie Roberts, videographer assistant
Krista Carroll, Brandi Cook, Erika McCauley, Keith McCauley, Cara Stewart; directors
Anna Beal, Melissa Hebdon; wranglers
Filmed at Cathedral of the Rockies
Audio Production Unit
Audio tracks were recorded by youth singers and submitted via web video
Strings and piano recorded by Jason Ringelstetter at Tonic Room Studios
Soprano and organ recorded by Keith McCauley and Brian McCauley at the Cathedral of the Rockies
Mixed and mastered by Keith McCauley
By Adolphe Charles Adam
Arranged by Mack Wilberg
Erika McCauley, artistic director
Music directed by Krista Carroll, Brandi Cook, Erika McCauley, Keith McCauley, Cara Stewart
Produced by Cantus Youth Choirs
Film directed and edited by Keith McCauley
Licensing secured by Easy Song Licensing
O Holy Night!
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appear’d and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!
Fall on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine
Oh night divine
Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name
Christ is the Lord!
O praise his name forever,
His pow’r and glory
evermore proclaim!
His pow’r and glory
evermore proclaim!
Copyright 2021 Cantus Youth Choirs – All Rights Reserved