Thank you for all of your help with voting night at Tree City Church on Tuesday, November 5. We have spoken with church administration and received more clarity with how they’d like us to use their space moving forward. We understand that families are traveling short and far distances to get to rehearsal and that fewer trips is better!
Good news, we have waiting areas on site. The less-than-good-news is we need to tone down our energy a little bit when we’re transitioning between rehearsals or waiting for our rides.
Waiting areas for singers
Singers who are waiting for their siblings to finish their rehearsal are welcome to wait in Room 230. This is a small classroom off the upstairs foyer. There are tables and chairs. Singers need to bring a quiet activity like homework, a book to read, or a device. The back hallways, the back stair wells, and any of our non-rehearsal classrooms are off limits. Please only use the elevator if you have a medical disability that prevents you from using the stairs.
Please no horseplay, no piggybacks, no running, no playing on the stairs, and no playing in the vestibule (main entrance). Please help us to be good tenants. Any behavior that compromises our relationship with Tree City Church and/or our ability to rent rehearsal space will result in the immediate dismissal of the family with no refund.
Waiting areas for parents
Parents who are waiting for their kids are welcome to use the tables and chairs in the cafe-area on the main floor. Singers may sit quietly with their parents in this area if they are attended at all times. Unattended singers should wait upstairs in Room 230. Parents, if your singer is with you in the cafe, please monitor them at all times and ensure they have a quiet activity. Tree City Church has a number of outreach programs and ministries like addiction recovery, and we need to keep an eye on our kids at all times.
Even though we have spaces for children to wait, Cantus is not responsible or liable for their supervision or safety outside of their designated rehearsal time and room. We are not responsible for singers who don’t come to their assigned classroom or leave.