Cantus Youth Choirs is proud to present the season 13 finale, BRAVE. With selections from popular and traditional music, audiences will explore the meaning courage, grit, fortitude, and perseverance. Featuring guest vocalists Carrie Scott and Luke Lords, 20 instrumentalists, and nearly 300 youth singers.
Northwest Nazarene University
Brandt Center
707 Fern St
Nampa, ID 83686
Saturday, April 29, 2023
7:00 pm
Please arrive early
The pre-show is on a countdown clock! The performance will start promptly at 7:00 pm. Please arrive at least 20 minutes early so that you can be seated before the concert begins. Guests who arrive late will wait in the lobby until the next transition.
Please no young children
This concert will be enjoyed mostly by children 8 years old and older who can remain engaged without needing distraction for two hours. All guests who enter the auditorium will be required to present a ticket. Babes-in-arms are not free.
Dress code and etiquette
Guests are encouraged to wear casual business attire (skirts, slacks, collared shirts). This production will be professionally recorded. We use these recordings to promote the organization and apply for performing opportunities. Cell phones should be turned off or set to airplane mode. Vibrating cell phones, coughing, rummaging through bags, whispering, unwrapping candy, rifling through the program book, tapping feet, loud coats, and calling out to performers is disruptive to guests, performers, and ruins recordings.
Videography is encouraged
Guests are encouraged to video portions of the concert and post those videos to social media. Performances from the production will be posted to YouTube 2 to 4 weeks after the production, assuming all copyright licensing is secured. However, guests are STRICTLY prohibited from setting up tripods or using flash devices. If using a smartphone or tablet please ensure the flash and flashlight is off when taking photos or video. Please consider dimming your screen brightness as a courtesy to guests behind you.