We’re so excited about our upcoming video shoots! Please read through what you need to do to be at the right place at the right time wearing the right outfit!
Contessa | Tuesday, April 20

Contessa will be shooting RISE at our normal rehearsal location in Boise. We’ll use white drapes, stage haze (fog machine), and dynamic lighting to tell this story.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
9201 W State St
Boise, ID 83714
Contessa will need to provide their own outfit. Please wear dark wash or black jeans (no holes or tears) with tops of white, black and grey. No logos. No small patterns. Black shoes and black socks. (NOTE: Morgan, Callie, Kayla, Lucy, and Dylan should NOT wear white since we’re filming you on a white background for your solos).
Please text a photo of you wearing your outfit to Krista Carroll (208-392-5122) by Tuesday, April 13, 2021.
Bella Visi | Saturday, May 1

Bella Visi will be shooting RESCUE at Swan Falls in Melba. We’ll use drone footage of the singers performing on expansive vistas to tell this story.
Saturday, May 1, 2021
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Swan Falls upper parking lot (entrance)
43.238012, -116.368064
It will take about an hour to drive here. Please arrive early!
Bella Visi will need to provide their own outfit. Please wear dark wash jeans and an outdoorsy, adventurer, or explorer type outfit (think, I’m looking for someone who is lost in the woods). Bold plaids, flannels, sweaters, boots, hiking boots, bulky sweaters. No logos. No small patterns. Hair should be “wind-blown” messy. No perfect curls!
Please group text a photo of you wearing your outfit to Brandi Cook (208-841-3733) AND Keith McCauley (208-407-4525) by Saturday, April 24, 2021.
Fortis | Saturday, May 1

Fortis will be shooting BURN THE SHIPS at Turner Gulch of Lucky Peak. We’ll use drone footage of the singers performing on the banks of the Lucky Peak Reservoir.
Saturday, May 1, 2021
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
S Lucky Peak Dam Rd
Boise, ID 83716
It will take about an hour to drive here. Please arrive early!
Fortis will need to bring their own outfit. Please wear jeans with hiking books or tennis shoes. Layered tops like a t-shirt with a jacket or button-down dress shirt or a long sleeved t-shirt with a sport vest.
Please text a photo of you wearing your outfit options to Keith McCauley (208-407-4525).
VoiceOver | Tuesday, May 4

VoiceOver will be shooting part 2 of RAIN and then COURAGE TO CHANGE at the historic Egyptian Theatre in downtown Boise. We’ll use props, dynamic camera angles and lighting to tell this story.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Egyptian Theatre
700 W Main St
Boise, ID 83702
Please bring money for parking. You may need to park in a garage or metered street parking.
There will be two outfits. Your VoiceOver outfits (provided by us) and your colorful casual outfit.
Please group text a photo of you wearing your COLORFUL CASUAL outfit options to Annie Roberts (208-631-2782) AND Keith McCauley (208-407-4525).
Please wear the following:
- Dark wash slim jeans (no holes or tears)
- Black shoes (ankle boot, character shoe, heels that look good with jeans)
- Black undershirt (to go under your scratchy sequin top)
- Silver sequin top (we’ll bring this for you)
Please bring:
- Colorful, layered top (no logos, no small patterns)
Please wear the following:
- Dark wash slim jeans (no holes or tears)
- Black shoes and socks
- Black belt
- White, long-sleeved dress shirt
- Sequin bow tie and blazer (we’ll bring this for you)
Please bring:
- Colorful, layered top (no logos, no small patterns)