Introducing a new way to register for Season 11

Cantus Youth Choirs now uses a traditional shopping cart to capture registration information. Just add the ensemble to shopping cart, add any concert apparel items, tag them with Suzie’s name and then checkout. Read on for more info on these great features.

One-spot shopping

Tuition, tour, concert tickets, and concert apparel are all located on the Join page. Making purchases has gotten a lot easier.

New Member dashboard

The new Members page is a dashboard for parents and singers with practice files, calendar, order history, and more.

Fully-automated cart

Our new cart automatically applies available discounts. It also gives you better visibility on who is registered for what.

No more Charms

You no longer need to access Charms to track payments. Say sayonara! Log in to the MEMBERS page to see what’s going on in your account.

Payment plans

Depending on the items and cart total, you can pay your Cantus fees by installment. Not only are we making things easier, we’re making cashflow easier too.

Mix/match payments

You could register Suzie for second semester (pay upfront) and Billy for a year (pay by installment). We’re trying to make things easy!