We’re about a month into our semester and it has been wonderful making music with each other! Each ensemble has been making great progress on learning their songs. In an effort to minimize risk, here’s how we’re holding rehearsals:
- Singers arrive wearing masks and should wear them until placed in their “spot.” These spots are at least 10 feet away from other singers and directors.
- Once placed, singers may remove their masks.
- If singers are asked to transition to a new formation during rehearsal (e.g. sectionals), they are asked to wear their masks until they find their new spot.
- Singers are asked to put their masks on as they leave rehearsal.
We strongly encourage all participants to adhere to this protocol. If you have any concerns with these protocols, we invite you to reach out to your director for accommodations.
NOTE: Bella Visi and Contessa are rehearsing outdoors. Fortis and VoiceOver are rehearsing outdoors and in a large barn with a large roll up door that provides ample ventilation.