9171 W State St
Boise, ID 83714
(Please enter the Century 21 Todd McCauley suite)
Text Keith McCauley at 208-407-4525 with any questions.
Please note your recording time below. Please be on time, we have 57 singers to record, and each singer has a 15 minutes slot. We will not be able to offer any makeup recording sessions.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
5:00 pm | Kinsley Wardle |
5:15 pm | Ellie Gresham |
5:30 pm | Callie Odom |
5:45 pm | Janie Loertscher |
6:00 pm | Remi Stull |
6:15 pm | Andrew Paternoster |
6:30 pm | Dallin Perry |
6:45 pm | Luke Butikofer |
7:00 pm | Conner Jensen |
7:15 pm | Annabel Matthews |
7:30 pm | Maddy Eidson |
7:45 pm | Lillie Perry |
8:00 pm | Brooklyn Thomas |
8:15 pm | Julia Butikofer |
8:30 pm | Hailey Carroll |
8:45 pm | Noah Stewart |
9:00 pm | Steven Golightly |
9:15 pm | Eljiah Alexander |
9:30 pm | Ethan Jensen |
9:45 pm | Warren Bodily |
Click here to view recording session assignments for 11/10 and 11/17.
Recording environment and process
Each singer will have 15 minutes to get set up, record, and transition. Each singer should arrive at least five minutes early, come warmed up and ready to sing.
We’ll have exclusive access to unfinished and unoccupied retail space. It is a large space and risk of COVID exposure is low. Each singer will be recorded by Keith McCauley or Josh Starita and their director. There will be at least two adults present at all times.
Each singer will record using an ISOVOX head booth, a microphone, headphones with their backup track, and an iPad with their sheet music. We’ll sanitize the equipment between each singer.